Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Field Trip

We took the kids to Lake Duluti for the day.  For a lot of these kids it was their first time in a car.  We packed two dala dala's full.  A few of the kids got so excited/nervous we had some accidents involving different bodily fluids.  I thought taking 60 kids to the zoo for the day was exhausting.  That is nothing compared to the 3 mile hike we did was 30 3-5 year olds.  By the end I had a kid on my back another around my neck and I was dragging two on each arm.  It was an exhausting day but definitely worth it because it was such a treat for the kids and they had a blast.  Can you imagine no seat belts or permission slips?

1 comment:

  1. okay you do NOT look like you haven't showered in 5 days-- you look great!
