Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nurse Sarah


Talk about an unreal experience! 
Emilie, a volunteer living at the house with me is studying to be a midwife in Canada.  She took me with her on a night shift at a women's clinic.  I got to see 3 babies born!  I will spare you the details but let me just say these women are incredible!  Not that I have done it myself, I'm just assuming giving birth in America is quite different than giving birth in Africa.  Assumption #1, in the US there is actually the option of pain medication.  Not in Africa!  Assumption #2, in the US the women are surrounded by family members there for support.  I did not see one family member at the clinic with these women.  Assumption #3, in the US women do not have to bring their own "supplies" including bedding.  Assumption #4, in the US women do not have to walk from the delivery room to the recovery room and make their own beds with in a few minutes of giving birth.  CRAZY!

Emilie and I in our scrubs

New born baby boy!

Another example of Nurse Sarah

So my dear friend Steve brillantly decided one evening that he didn't need footwear and walked into a thorn bush. Two weeks later, he realized that the thorns weren't making their way out on their own so he had doctor Sarah perform some surgery. A safety pin, 3 pairs of tweezers, a swiss arm knife, and two and a half hours later, I removed the last of the 51 thorns.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Midwife/nurse? you are so well rounded! PS I would probably die giving birth in Africa--- yikes!
